Significance Of Wearing The Toe Rings

What is Toe Ring

A ring made out of any metals and non-metal worn on any of the toes is called Toe Ring. Commonly the Toe Ring is worn on second toe of either foot. Toe rings come in fitted and adjustable pattern. Toe rings are available in a variety of styles and materials and being used as new fashion accessory rapidly. 

Significance Of  Wearing The Toe Rings In India

In context of an Indian family Toe Rings has great significance for Hindu women. It is a symbol of their married state. The toe rings are usually silver unless the woman is a member of the royal Indian families. Gold is considered a "pure" metal and should not be worn below the waist. In Hindu culture beliefs the unmarried girls are prohibited to wear toe rings.

You may get detailed info on Toe Rings Here

Different Types Of Toe Rings